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Wed, 18 Apr 2007 23:27:07 -0700 (PDT)
[saldwr] Counter-Currents Update

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HelloKindly forward this newsletter to your friends andencourage them tojoin this mailing list.http://www.counterc subscribe. htm In SolidarityBinuIraq Has Two Virginia Techs Every Day By Juan Colehttp://www.counterc cole190407. htmThe profound sorrow and alarm produced in the Americanpublic by the horrific shootings at Virginia Tech should give us abaseline for what the Iraqis are actually living through. They have twoVirginia Tech-style attacks every single dayOur Dead, Their Dead By Mickey Z. http://www.counterc mickeyz190407. htmAs tragic as the Virginia Tech shootings are, let'sface it: 32 dead is a slow day in U.S.-occupied Iraq. "Those whose liveswere taken did nothing to deserve their fate," President Bush said."They were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time." He would know. InAmerica, we have the luxury of mourning our dead for days or even years(see 9/11). If Iraqis tried to"pull together" and "come to grips" with everymassacre of innocents... well, you get the idea A Lot Of Uninvited Guests By Dahr Jamailhttp://www.counterc jamail190407a. htmThe massive influx of Iraqi refugees into Syria hasbrought rising prices and overcrowding, but most Syrians seem to haveaccepted more than a million of the refugees happily enoughRefugees Bring In Some Brittle Strength By Dahr Jamailhttp://www.counterc jamail190407. htmSyria's decision to accept Iraqi refugees streaminginto the country has brought the government of President Bashar Assadmore power within Syria and the region, but at significant costSadrist Ministers Withdraw From Iraqi Cabinet By James Coganhttp://www.counterc cogan190407. htmSix ministers of the Iraqi cabinet, members of theShiite fundamentalist movement headed by cleric Moqtadaal-Sadr, formally resigned their positions on Monday. The Sadrists declared they wereresponding to the mass sentiment among their supporters that US andother foreign troops must be ordered to leave the countryThe Virginia Tech Massacre: Social Roots Of Another American TragedyBy David Walshhttp://www.counterc walsh190407. htmA day after the mass killing at Virginia Tech inBlacksburg, Virginia, along with grief and dismay, some reflections on lifein the US are clearly in order. The event was horrifying, but no onewho has followed the evolution of American society over the pastquarter-century will be entirely shocked Iran: The Price Of Being Defenceless By Ghali Hassanhttp://www.counterc hassan190407. htmEver since the U.S. began its preparation foraggression against Iran, Western media and Western elites have continue todemonise Iran and provide misleading propaganda to justify U.S. attacksagainst the Islamic Republic. On her part, Iran has the right to defendher sovereignty against any unprovoked act of aggression. Adefenceless Iran would pay the heavy price Iraq is payingNew US Postal Rates Undermine Small Publications By Stephen Lendmanhttp://www.counterc lendman190407. htmWith the new rates scheduled to take effect July 15under which small publications will pay postal rates as much as 20%higher than the largest ones in a willful plan to undermine themWhat Is The Main Plank Of The US Foreign Policy? By Chandi Sinnathuraihttp://www.counterc chandi190407. htmThe US proscribed the Tamil Tigers in October 1997under the provisions of the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Actof 1996. In October of 2003, �after further review itre-designated the Tamil Tigers as a �Foreign terrorist organisation.� Whilsttaking all such drastic actions however, the Bush Administration oftenneglected to take action or even to exert pressure against the Stateterror in Sri Lanka, particularly aimed at the Tamil population. The Tamilsare facing a mass slaughter in the East [Mattakalappu & Amparai] and theNorth of Sri Lanka even as I writeStatus Of Manual Scavengers In Laar, Deoria By Vidya Bhushan Rawathttp://www.counterc rawat190407. htmTime has come for all of us to scrutinize government'sprogrammes and action to eliminate manual scavenging and take theofficials of the department to task. India's 9% growth rate or shiningIndia is absolutely farcical if this large community remains outside theambit of global changeShould BJP Be Derecognized? By Ram Puniyanihttp://www.counterc puniyani190407. htmIn a democracy it is a difficult choice toban/derecognize parties or organizations. What does one do with the organizationswhich pay lip service to democracy but are tied to apron strings ofthose organizations which stand opposed to democracy and Indianconstitution? It is no secret that RSS chief just six years ago called forscrapping of Indian constitution and bringing in one based in India holybooks. It is no secret that RSS combine is working for Hindu Nation.By implication though BJP takes oath for preserving Indian constitution, ithas no qualms in violating the same when the time comesIf You Haven'tMade A Donation YetDo It NOW !http://www.counterc donate.htmYour Support Is AbsolutelyNecessaryFor Our Survival Sukhia Sab Sansar Khaye Aur SoyeDukhia Das Kabir Jagey Aur RoyeThe world is 'happy', eating and sleepingThe forlorn Kabir Das is awake and weeping

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