Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Yahoo! Mail -

The Rand Report "Building Moderate Muslim Networks" AnAnalysis By Waheeduddin Ahmed Ph.D. http://www.khabrein .info/index. php?option= com_content& task=view& id=215&Itemid= 58Rand Corporation, which sponsors and fundsconservative public policy studies, has recently(2007) published a report entitled “Building ModerateMuslim Networks”. The authors are: Angel Rabaca,Cheryl Benard, Lowell H. Schwartz and Peter Sickle. Itmerits serious attention and careful evaluation by allMuslim activists, especially those who may beconsidered “modernists” as defined by the authors, forthe report identifies such individuals andorganizations worldwide, glorifies them and sets themup for falling into a pro-Zionist trap and eventualdisgrace and destruction. I shall explain in thefollowing how it can happen.The outlines of the Report are that “extremism” inIslam is posing the gravest danger to the security ofthe West and that the West should respond by drawingon its experience of the Cold War. A parallel is drawnbetween the conflict of the past and the conflicttoday, where the perceived Islamic Fundamentalismreplaces the communist enemy. It is thus obvious thatwe are already in the middle of the second Cold War(CW2). The West had won the CW1, they allege, bycovertly and overtly supporting opposition groupswithin the communist bloc. The same strategy is deemedto be applicable in the CW2. The opposition group inthis instance is ‘moderate Muslims”. The reportstates:“What is needed at this stage is to derive lessonsfrom the experience of the Cold War, determine theirapplicability to the conditions of the Muslim Worldtoday, and develop a “road map” for the constructionof moderate and liberal Muslim networks.” --- “Sincemoderates lack the resources to create these networksthemselves, their creation may require an externalcatalyst.”Read full storyhttp://www.khabrein .info/index. php?option= com_content& task=view& id=215&Itemid= 58

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